Optimum Financial and Tax Services

Tax Preparer, Income Tax Preparation, Tax Filing, and Tax Services

in Rahway, Woodbridge, Newark, Linden, Elizabeth, NJ, and the Surrounding Areas

Who can help me file my taxes? It’s well known that more than half of taxpayers seek professional help when it’s time to file a tax return. Some experts suggest that it may be upwards of 90% of taxpayers hire a tax preparer, and about 77% believe the tax help was beneficial.

Income tax preparation in Woodbridge, NJ

Tax laws are becoming increasingly complicated, therefore, filing a seemingly simple return may be confusing for most. Though you may use a reputable computer software program, there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

OFTS has extensive experience in preparing federal tax returns and state tax returns for all 50 states. We prepare state returns for taxpayers working in multiple states outside of their resident state during the year.

Here’s what you get when our experienced tax professionals prepare your return:

  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our computer software identifying potential problems the IRS may look at more closely, reviewing the math to limit IRS contact.
  • Your tax return may be filed electronically so you will get your refund back faster.
  • Our well-trained preparers will review your annual payroll tax withholdings, and quarterly estimated tax payments with you to ensure adequate payment of taxes during the year.
  • Our preparers will recommend potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year, pointing out commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year’s tax liability.
  • To help us assist you better with your individual or business income tax return, please have the information from our Income Tax Check List available when you arrive for your appointment.

Contact us to request a free quote for our services

Would my Business Benefit from Working with a Tax Preparer?

One of the two certain things in life is taxes, and if you have ever tried to do your own taxes, let alone for your business, you likely know how frustrating preparing and filing taxes can be. Do you know where can you turn for trustworthy and professional help with tax preparation and other tax services in Rahway, Woodbridge, Newark, Linden, Elizabeth, NJ, or the surrounding areas? The experienced tax preparers at Optimum Financial & Tax Services are ready to provide you with the assistance you need.

Tax prep, tax filing, and other tax services are their bread and butter, and this extends beyond tax season into the full year. Learn what you should be doing all year to help make tax time easier and better, and allow you to continue to grow your business.

Tax Preparation

When it comes to tax prep and working with your tax preparer, organization is key in limiting the amount of time you and the tax preparer spend, as well as being able to easily locate the documentation that is needed for your business taxes. But a good tax preparer will be helpful all year round and not just around tax time. They will be an advisor for your business and can provide help when planning for taxes in upcoming years based on what you plan on doing to grow your business.

Bookkeeper in Elizabeth, Linden, Newark, Rahway, and Woodbridge Township

When you think “who can help me file my taxes?” – think Optimum Financial and Tax Services!

Tax preparation is normally only thought about as April approaches, but in reality, tax services should be viewed as a year-round topic, as this can also have an impact on your personal income tax preparation and filing.

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Tax Filing

In talking with your tax preparer and working with them to have your taxes done, there are several things that you will need to provide in order to properly file your taxes. Business taxes are more complex than filing your personal taxes. Not only do you need the previous year’s filings (which your tax preparer will have quick access to if you’ve worked with them previously) and your personal information, but you’ll likely need various records from your business, including sales and purchases, as well as different records for expenses including salaries, rent, receipts, and more. Coupled with well-managed bookkeeping services, having a qualified and reliable tax preparer do your tax filing means another headache you can avoid.

Tax Preparer, CPA, and Tax Accountants: OFTS

Don’t leave things to the last minute when it comes to your Rahway, Woodbridge, Newark, Linden, Elizabeth, or surrounding area business and dealing with your taxes. When you need a tax preparer, a CPA, a tax accountant, or other tax services, turn to the professionals at Optimum Financial & Tax Services to help with all of your needs.

To help us assist you better with your individual or business income tax return, please have the information from our Income Tax Check List available when you arrive for your appointment.

Learn How We Can Help…

Toll-Free Number | 877-327-1829